Another, different version of BRIGADOON?
I am trying to find out if Brigadoon was filmed in TODD A-O, and whether it is for sale
on VHS.
Another happy question for which the answer is readily at hand. Brigadoon was not filmed
in Todd A-0, one of the more interesting of the giant-screen formats to be developed in the
1950's. It was, however, one of the first MGM films to be shot in CinemaScope. Actually,
Brigadoon was filmed simultaneously in two formats, CinemaScope and in 1:85 'flat' 35mm.
This was done because the 'Scope format was so new that MGM wasn't sure it was here to stay
(3D had already pretty much folded as an industry standard at the time). To hedge its bet
MGM shot the movie twice, once in each format. There is an entire scene in the documentary
When the Lion Roars, precisely about Brigadoon and its versions. In it actor Van Johnson
talks about asking to be paid twice, once for each version! You should be able to guess
the studio's answer.
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