ANNIE GET YOUR GUN - Where Art Thou?
NOTE 10/20/00: This article has been made obsolete by the pending release of a DVD of ANNIE GET YOUR GUN. Ironically, Savant worked on the DVD in July of 2000, editing an introduction with Susan Lucci. The DVD is scheduled in November 2000, (I think) from Turner/Warner, the new outlet for the pre-1985 MGM Library. Unless they came up with it after Savant finished, there will be no George Sidney commentary for the disc; he took sick the week it was supposed to be recorded. When the disc comes out Savant will review it and make this original article completely obsolete. The movie, by the way, is very, very good. Glenn Erickson.
It seems like I've been waiting for ANNIE GET YOUR GUN to come out forever. I saw some clips of it in the THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT movies, but that's all. I've heard rumors about the holdup being over the music rights. Will we ever see ANNIE on video? - Craig Rhyne, Kevin S. Roe, Mark Ayers.
This is one of the most frequently requested, unreleased MGM titles. Many people write requesting an explanation for the specific circumstances around ANNIE GET YOUR GUN. There is also some confusion added to the mix, because a title card at the end of THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT III incorrectly states that every movie excerpted in the feature is available on home video (an error helpfully pointed out to Video Savant by Mrs. Ethel Valz).
MGM Home Entertainment's official explanation from an earlier FAQ simply states: " ... ANNIE GET YOUR GUN is unavailable for Home Video because of an outstanding legal problem". As an official explanation, that will have to suffice for now, even though Savant has 'heard' many a rumored cause for the suppression of ANNIE.
Savant loves to write about film history and formats and the like, but but has no particular desire to toss around uninformed rumors about the legal issues around specific titles. A generalized discussion of legal rights issues and Home Video can be found in the Savant entry, VIDEO LIMBO.
Text©Copyright 1997 Glenn Erickson
DVD Savant Text © Copyright 2007 Glenn Erickson